On Monday, September 9th, I was interviewed on CHD TV. The focus was on the upcoming rally that I am helping to organize which will take place in Harlem, on September 19th at 12 noon. This event is sponsored by Reform Pharma.
The goal is to expose the Center For Disease Control and its new Director: Dr. Mandy Cohen, for encouraging parents to have their babies who are older than 6 months, to get the COVID-19 shot along with a flu shot. She claims that the COVID-19 injections are safe and that the benefits outweigh the risks. She has been giving lectures, doing interviews, and running commercials pushing COVID-19 shots for babies. She is doing this despite the massive amount of information that has been accumulated over the past 4 years to the contrary.
Since Dr. Cohen has so far been unwilling to have qualified professionals ask her the tough questions about the advice that she has been feeding the public, we invited doctors, scientists, lawyers, researchers and others to share their views on Mandy Cohen’s recommending COVID-19 vaccines for babies and children.
The speakers include:
Michelle Spencer
DATE: September 19, 2024
TIME: 12 noon
LOCATION: Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building
ADDRESS: 163 West 125th Street
TRAINS: A,B,C, D, 1, 4,5,6 to 125th Street
Curtis Cost
Criminal to give these shots to anyone, let alone Babies. God speed, Curtis. Thank you for your vigilance and endurance.
Any moderately intelligent car mechanic would know that if you tune a complex mechanism like a car engine for just one variable, you are going to throw the entire system out of whack. The human immune system is way more complex than a simple car engine. Only doctors would believe the nonsense of vaccination. But they've done a fair job of selling the public on this nonsense.