Any moderately intelligent car mechanic would know that if you tune a complex mechanism like a car engine for just one variable, you are going to throw the entire system out of whack. The human immune system is way more complex than a simple car engine. Only doctors would believe the nonsense of vaccination. But they've done a fair job of selling the public on this nonsense.
Absolutely not! Hasn't she taken an oath to " First Do No Harm" I cannot understand the lack of knowledge or caring that fosters this mentality. I cannot get over the lack of critical thinking when applying long established science norms (scientific method + how the immune system functions + the behavior of viruses that have not been tampered with). Science is testing, making observations and ultimately providing untampered results that are trustworthy. A true professional should be able to discern that something isn't right in the Covid world. I cannot believe her reasoning and would be extremely embarrassed if I were her.
Yes, it's very confusing for everyone who believes that US "healthcare" is actually concerned about the actual health of actual Americans. Sadly, it's not; it's a for-profit cartel which runs primarily for the personal profits of its billionaire owners. Our gov't of the 1%, by the 1%, & for the 1%, gave that cartel a monopoly, and the funding to enforce that monopoly comes disproportionately from our wildly-regressive tax dollars.
Actually everyone doesn't believe that US "healthcare" is actually concerned about health. Ive watched the inept white coats make anyone with an auto-immune issue worse, and yet they do the same thing over & over. It's called insanity. Im 73, and there isn't an innocent bone in my body. There was a time though, when most had a conscience and did care about whatever their job was, whatever they agreed to even without an Oath. There was a sense of respect and responsibility. Not everyone. There was always an exploiter or sleaze bag off in the wings ready to pounce and take something without asking, hurting anyone who got in the way. When I see people aren't incensed by these times, I realize morality has dropped to a new low.
Excellent interview Curtis. When I still hear this propaganda in 2024 about the CDC recommends cov!d shots for babies I get a brain freeze!! I will share this clip with others and I will be at the rally.
You know who SHOULD get COVID shots? EVERYONE who stands to make a cent from their mfgr, distribution, & allowing them in the first place, including all politicians and bureaucrats living fat-and-happy on our wildly-regressive tax dollars. They, & their entire families. THOSE ppl lining up and getting jabbed will be proof that the vax in question is safe & effective. IMHO, the mere fact that none of those ppl ARE lining up to be the lab rats (ROFL! They categorically EXEMPTED THEMSELVES, en masse!), is proof that they KNEW the jabs were bad news.
Criminal to give these shots to anyone, let alone Babies. God speed, Curtis. Thank you for your vigilance and endurance.
Any moderately intelligent car mechanic would know that if you tune a complex mechanism like a car engine for just one variable, you are going to throw the entire system out of whack. The human immune system is way more complex than a simple car engine. Only doctors would believe the nonsense of vaccination. But they've done a fair job of selling the public on this nonsense.
The flu shot shouldn’t be mandated either, not for babies nor older children!
Thanks, Curtis. I cross-posted your Harlem Rally on our NYC Medical Freedom Alliance (MFA) website. Linked below:
--Joanna from MFA
Thanks so much!
Thanks Curtis for helping us beat back the evil.
We all can do something with what we have to work with. We have no option, because evil never sleeps.
That video makes my blood boil. How can she say this with a straight face? How does she sleep at night???
Absolutely not! Hasn't she taken an oath to " First Do No Harm" I cannot understand the lack of knowledge or caring that fosters this mentality. I cannot get over the lack of critical thinking when applying long established science norms (scientific method + how the immune system functions + the behavior of viruses that have not been tampered with). Science is testing, making observations and ultimately providing untampered results that are trustworthy. A true professional should be able to discern that something isn't right in the Covid world. I cannot believe her reasoning and would be extremely embarrassed if I were her.
Yes, it's very confusing for everyone who believes that US "healthcare" is actually concerned about the actual health of actual Americans. Sadly, it's not; it's a for-profit cartel which runs primarily for the personal profits of its billionaire owners. Our gov't of the 1%, by the 1%, & for the 1%, gave that cartel a monopoly, and the funding to enforce that monopoly comes disproportionately from our wildly-regressive tax dollars.
Actually everyone doesn't believe that US "healthcare" is actually concerned about health. Ive watched the inept white coats make anyone with an auto-immune issue worse, and yet they do the same thing over & over. It's called insanity. Im 73, and there isn't an innocent bone in my body. There was a time though, when most had a conscience and did care about whatever their job was, whatever they agreed to even without an Oath. There was a sense of respect and responsibility. Not everyone. There was always an exploiter or sleaze bag off in the wings ready to pounce and take something without asking, hurting anyone who got in the way. When I see people aren't incensed by these times, I realize morality has dropped to a new low.
Excellent interview Curtis. When I still hear this propaganda in 2024 about the CDC recommends cov!d shots for babies I get a brain freeze!! I will share this clip with others and I will be at the rally.
You know who SHOULD get COVID shots? EVERYONE who stands to make a cent from their mfgr, distribution, & allowing them in the first place, including all politicians and bureaucrats living fat-and-happy on our wildly-regressive tax dollars. They, & their entire families. THOSE ppl lining up and getting jabbed will be proof that the vax in question is safe & effective. IMHO, the mere fact that none of those ppl ARE lining up to be the lab rats (ROFL! They categorically EXEMPTED THEMSELVES, en masse!), is proof that they KNEW the jabs were bad news.