I work in newborn nursery and NICU . The ONLY good to come out of Covid is that parents are seeing the lies behind vaccines ! More parents are refusing all medications given to their newborns at birth. I make sure they know I’m on there side! I love Dr. Larry .

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It's so good to hear that parents are waking up and that you have the courage to stand up for what you know is right!


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Thank you!! Stay strong-

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Thank you for standing with them. Young moms need that support.

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So happy to hear there are aware hospital/Dr’s office personnel that are aware of the fraud and dangers. I was fired in 2021 from a hospital that I worked for almost 32 years. So sad how many just took the jab to keep their job. If more people had the courage to fight we may not be in the predicament that we find ourselves in!

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Absolutely awesome Curtis! Thanks for having the brilliant Dr. Palevsky open our eyes! It is truly an honor to have men like the both of you waking up the world and for your tremendous courage! This is a discussion that needs to be continued. Here's the link to Critically Thinking, which is a great gathering every Thursday at 7pm EST https://drtenpenny.com/about/

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Vax me not for I am not your sheep.

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Just got finished watching the presentation.


That was the BEST overview of the Covid Pandemic I have seen yet.

After watching, one will understand the “big picture” of the who, what, where, when and how of what has been done, and how people from all walks of life have responded to it.

Curtis I personally give you and Dr. Palevsky a standing ovation and a sincere thank you for sharing this wonderful information with us all.

Well done !!!

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Thanks so much! Please continue to share it.


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Sharing with everyone I know!

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Hi Curtis,

Thank you for this riviting interview with Dr. Palevsky. I now subscribe to his newsletter. It's always an education. Thank you for all you do!

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It's my pleasure! Thanks for your kind words and taking the time to view the video! Please continue to share this with your networks. People need to hear this!

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AS PLANNED; Bill Gates; Population reduction thru 'vaccines'


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How long do vaccines shed? (Asked towards the end of the interview, answer was did not know)

An interesting study from 2012 informs us that polio vaccine was detectable between 54 and 73 days after administration in infants. While we don't know how long with the mRNA biotech, given this study data two to three months seems like a good place to start to work forward and backward from. And as with most toxins the body works to eliminate, most elimination occurs early, less later. It's usually some sort of half-life calculation where the last remnants are tiny amounts that are halved and halved and halved approaching zero. So the greatest risk of shedding meaningful amounts is front-loaded, the back end infinitesimally small.

Nearly Constant Shedding of Diverse Enteric Viruses by Two Healthy Infants

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, November, 2012


"In order to determine the extent of viral infections occurring in early childhood, longitudinally collected stool samples from two siblings who grew up in the mid-1980s in the United Kingdom were tested using an extensive panel of PCR primers against 15 groups of viruses to measure the overall frequency and duration of viral shedding."


"Child 1...The first trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (tOPV) was given at day 107. Poliovirus vaccine strain Sabin-2 (HEV-C species) was identified in the first sample analyzed from day 116, and the shedding continued until day 180 (73 days after tOPV administration)."


"child 2..."Following tOPV administration on day 129, poliovirus vaccine strain shedding was recorded until day 183, starting with the first collected sample on day 142. Poliovirus (PV) shedding therefore lasted for 54 days after the first tOPV administration."

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Freedom Fox, thanks so much for taking the time to watch this interview. I greatly appreciate it. I am especially grateful for your extensive comments. I wish more people also left comments so that we can have a better discussion about what people think about the issues raised in the interview.

While I admire your effort to get some sense for when a person might be most likely to be shedding and therefore most likely to be able to transmit illness to others, I think comparing the polio vaccine to the COVID shot, has serious limitations. To begin with, the COVID shot is not a vaccine which Dr. Palevsky pointed out. It is an experimental concoction that has a stated goal of manipulating human genes! No one outside of the companies making these drugs are completely sure of what's in these COVID shots much less what they're capable of doing to the human body in the short term and in the long term. Therefore, trying to compare it to a vaccine I doubt that it would yield much useful insights.

You mentioned studies that used PCR to determine how long the polio virus remained in the body after a person was injected with the polio vaccine. The problem with using the PCR test is that it is completely worthless as far as determining whether someone has a viral infection. Dr. Palevsky also noted this in his comments. In addition, the inventor of PCR, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Karry Mullis, has stated numerous times on camera, that his invention was being misused and that it cannot determine viral infection. It is also worth noting that no virus has ever been proven to be the cause of what is called “COVID.”

I think that it would be a huge error to give the public the impression that there is a safe time period that a person can have an intimate relationship with an individual who took the COVID shot. The risks are not even known with regards to being in close proximity to a person who took the COVID injection. A person could still be shedding over a period weeks, months or years. The adverse reactions in others could take months or years to appear.

There is a long-term study underway to try and answer some of these questions. I interviewed the person responsible for initiating this study: Tiffany Parato. You can see this interview on my Substack.

COVID Shot Linked To Severe Female Cycle Problems - Interview with Tiffany Parotto


I would also recommend watching the interview I did with Christine Massey.

Uncensored – Interview With Christine Massey


Thanks again for your comments.

Curtis Cost

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Well thank you for that comprehensive reply! And thanks for those video links.

It's a very complicated subject to try to get into a quick reply to. I believe the risk of transferring an illness-inducing pathogen from one to another is greatest in the weeks immediately following inoculation, referring to the evidence found in the outbreaks that trailed major "vaccine" campaigns across the globe. Easily seen by offsetting graphs of the number of inoculations in any given country in about a 2-3 week shift overlaid on graphs of hospitalizations and deaths following the inoculation campaigns. A global phenomenon, no correlation to borders, northern/southern hemisphere seasonal variations, one large campaign resulting in one large graph hump of increased severe illness, two medium campaigns resulting in two medium humps of increased severe illness, three smaller campaigns resulting in three smaller humps of increased severe illness. The only commonality being timing after inoculation campaigns. I believe RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci included those graphs that independent researchers had been sharing from the moment the pattern was recognized in 2021. The severe outcomes trail off as the campaigns trail off. Yes. it's quite apparent that the jabs contain something that causes more severe illnesses following them, even among those who didn't even get them.

The question I and many raise is whether or not it is virus that's capable of infection shedding or another pathogen that results in what is called virus. Is virus itself the infecting agent? Or is it the output, the result of another pathogen that produces non-infectious detritus that's been deemed virus?

Yes, PCR tests do not result in evidence of infection. Authorities knew and admitted to this fact as early as August, 2020 in a widely shared NYT piece. That was ignored by authorities as if it never was published. For virological definition of infection there must be multiple conditions met. Primarily presence of a pathogen. And replication. Presence alone is meaningless. PCR tests are used to detect dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not live dinosaurs. Mullis and pretty much every other virologist knew that multi-condition standard existed before 2020. Before it was stricken by the amnesia contagion that most medical professionals caught in 2020, and still suffer from.

I will caveat that with a novel application of PCR tests several Nordic nations applied. Multiple PCR tests conducted over time, at least six hours in-between. If the pathogen detritus was detected in under fewer or more cycles it could be inferred that the pathogen was replicating, producing more or less detritus, called virus. Fewer cycles (lower magnification) meant a more aggressive immune response to a pathogen that's still not under control, perhaps "shedding" viable pathogens. More cycles (greater magnification) meant the immune response was in mop up mode, pathogen contained and producing less detritus, unlikely to be shedding viable pathogens. Same as how we knew and understood flu infectiousness to be pre-2020, only a few days, and even though someone may have still had the sniffles and coughs at the tail end of illness they weren't infectious by then.

As for the length of time one person could transfer the pathogen to another person you are right, we don't know the long term risk that comes with the experimental biotech mRNA jabs compared to previous biotechnology in traditional jabs. But we also don't have any control over that at this point. And can only rely on our innate immune system, that we'd all be well-advised to take better care of than most of us did pre-2020. We control our inner terrain. Nothing else.

And we cannot live in fear of human connection based on jab status. We need human connection, especially with loved ones, to build and protect our immune system. We mustn't ever try to isolate ourselves to only our "kind." That's poison to the human soul. If you ever saw the 1970's John Travolta movie "The Boy in the Bubble" you perhaps learned the real life story behind the character he played. It was a tragic story. The boy's family wanted to protect him, his life so much that they tried to isolate him from every conceivable point of exposure to the microbiology of the world outside the sterile environment they created for him to live in. It was futile. And they condemned the boy to a pitiful, lonely, isolated existence, hardly considered living. The human soul cannot exist in that type of isolation and fear.

And tribalism, vax v. unvaxed is artificial division that leads to thinking others are subhuman, horrible atrocities are committed by those fearing the "others." We have to have faith in God that he designed us with the most remarkably adaptive and protective immune system of all, even capable of overcoming the threat man creates for it.

We mustn't give in to fear. We must take care of our bodies, treat them like the temples they are, as God commands us to. Have faith in him. Have faith in your body, actively take care of it - especially if you got the jabs. And as long as there's not new massive jab campaigns where we're surrounded by pathogens leaking out of the majority of the people we interact with we'll be ok. Absent that, that's the least of our worries.

More troubling is the new biotech discussed in this study from the beginning of 2023 that Fauci coauthored. In it he admits the jabs for respiratory viruses like flu/cv don't work. The same ones he said everyone needed to get and f your freedom to not get it. The study says since current biotech designed to generate antibodies don't work the next biotech they want to try works by attacking our mucous membranes to "protect" us:

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, Anthony S. Fauci

Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023


It's not an especially long or difficult read. Makes the case for nasal spray and eye drop "vaccines." And it's not like those experimental nasal spray "vaccines" will be safe or effective, either. They'll attack the protection that our own beneficial mucosal microbiome provides and leave that which is 70% of our natural immune system vulnerable to all of the microbial pathogens swimming in the ocean of air we breathe. Much like how hand sanitizer is indiscriminate killers of our natural hand microbiome that protects us.

The aerosolized delivery format can be delivered passively without the recipient even knowing they're getting it. And it's very helpful for the progression to "Come step into zee vaccine inhaaler vroom, no injection needed! Just stand under zis showver nozzle and breathe in deeply ven you zee da gas come out. Do you haf any gold tooth fillings?"

That next gen biotech they have in mind is what we should focus our energy on doing something about. For the time being that can be controlled. What's done already can't. And it's going to take many of the people who've gotten the mRNA jabs, who may still believe in them, to join with us to prevent the new biotech from being deployed on us without our consent. They already do it with water fluoridation programs, no proven benefit after 75 years in use, the many studies showing harms like cancer dismissed on the mere assertion it serves a greater public good. The precedent exists for involuntary aersolized "vaccines" to become the norm unless we get ahead of it. We need the help of the "others" for this upcoming assault on our bodies and can't afford to treat them like lepers.

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Thank you for putting all of this information out there. I’ve been reading a lot about this new “technology” These people need to be stopped. I pray the for the wrath of God on each individual involved in bringing this to market!

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And for what it's worth I've enjoyed meeting and working with Larry Palevsky at health freedom meetings. But I don't think he'll remember me by name. :D

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Thank you for another insightful interview. I learn so much listening to your podcasts.

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Thanks so much for your kind words! It always feels good to know that someone is benefiting from material that I put out! Please continue to share with your networks.

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More logical word salad from Larry Palevsky. This really hurts my brain to listen to.

I'm barely 5 min in, and suddenly my skin is crawling like I just at a Chinese dinner with a megadose of MSG.

First Larry starts out sounding like he's leading in to a critique of Contagion.

Good so far.

BUT! then he says (essentially) I caught COVID. He says that he got "the illness" in 2020. But he instantly knew that it wasn't an infection, that these "strange symptoms" were a poisoning instead.

Jimeney Christmas, where do I start?

How do you know you "Had COVID" Larry?

👉Was it a Clinical Diagnosis of the Non-Distinguishing Syndrome?

👉Or was it via a positive Lab Test. which was never validated, or calibrated to real-world Certified Reference Materials?

Or maybe 👉 a Feeling or Hunch? 👉 Magic 8-Ball? 👉 Crystal Ball? 👉 Fortune Teller?


CDC has said many times that it is impossible to distinguish COVID from the flu.

because they present identically. e/g/., https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html

What are "symptoms not consistent with 'infection'"? Are you not refuting the legitimacy of contagion/ "infection"?

Pure Confusion.

Again, I recommend a very short list of people who have anything interesting to say about CON-VID: Stefan Lanka, Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Mark & Sam Bailey, Christine Massey, Mike Stone. Maybe a few others like Amandha Vollmer, Steve Falconer, David Parker & Dawn Lester. Historical: Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos / Perth Group.

No offense intended to Dr. Palevsky. Just not my cup of tea. I'm sure there is something useful here for someone. I just like to see / hear more logical consistency.

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Transmission is the right word. I have heard directly that people feel a literal radio type frequency, electrical frequency coming off the recently vaccinated. Sure enough the literature and things they actually write in their white papers proves it is exactly the mechanism for these projects of WBAN and others. Sabrina Wallace covers all of the evidence directly from their presentations and projects that have been going on for over 30 to 50 years.

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I humbly present you the results of the most in depth research of my life, regarding the true nature of covid, namely that it is in fact: A cyber physical backbone! https://telestai.substack.com/p/approaching-truth

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