
Jani and Gemma:

Thank you for expressing your concern. Please keep in mind that I am not speaking on behalf of Mr. Kennedy or his campaign. I would ask that you consider this:

In an NBC article published on May 11, 2024, it was reported that Robert F. Kennedy Jr had revised his position on this issue. They quoted him as saying the following:

“Abortion has been a notoriously divisive issue in America, but actually I see an emerging consensus — abortion should be legal up until a certain number of weeks, and restricted thereafter,” he said.

“Once the baby is viable outside the womb, it should have rights and it deserves society’s protection,” he added.


I would like to also add that none of the candidates for president and none of the politicians running for any office, has done more to protect the health and rights of babies and children than Robert F. Kennedy Jr. His organization: Children's Health Defense has been filing lawsuits, sharing comprehensive scientific information with parents and a multitude of other activities to protect babies and children.

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Thank you, Curtis. I

Appreciate the additional information.

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Kennedy’s candidacy is good for our country. People are hearing his message. I am sending to all my lifelong Dem friends. I am a Republican, but I respect RFK Jr. He should be allowed to debate, have secret service and be on every ballot.

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Its now or never,all Americans MUST unite and vote the Democratic party out altogether,never to be seen or heard.

When you think and consider what the demonic demo party has done over the years aligning themselves with the evil globalist cabal and killing America from within,I say good on all you Americans,go for MAGA,that's your hope and opportunity now but,put God first,then only everything will fall into place. God I believe is using DJT to steer America out of this evil and demonic swamp.

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RFK, Jr. supports abortion up to birth, as does the Democratic Party. While, I do appreciate his stance on vaccines and the dangers of EMF, his stance on abortion is a deal breaker for me.

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I'm more against Kennedy for supporting kids and babies dying in Gaza...

Abortion is designed to be a hazy issue because it depends on one's beliefs when the baby is self aware.

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Self awareness is a subjective standard by which to determine human life. At conception, the zygote contains human DNA unique to its being. It begins replicating cells so growth is taking place. The organism grows very rapidly such that the heart is beating by six weeks. If this human being is allowed to continue its development, he/she will become delivered from his/her mother’s womb. Regardless of his/her age/stage of development, he/she will always be a human being.

You refer to the human being having to be self aware before he/she is considered a human being. Are infants self aware? I know some parents who would argue that their teenagers are not self aware. What about older adults with dementia or senility? In advanced stages, are they still self aware?

Naming preborn infants as zygotes or fetuses are medical terms, but in our culture today they are you to depersonalize the growing baby in their mother’s womb. Using self awareness as the determinant of human life is just another way to depersonalize/dehumanize the growing preborn baby. Society does this so that we can morally justify the murder of innocent and defenseless human beings. Whether the killing takes place inside the womb or outside the womb, both are abhorrent.

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RFK’s abortion stance is likewise a dealbreaker for me too.

I can’t vote for Kennedy.

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I hear you, but do we have a pro life candidate?

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We have two candidates for president and one political party who support the extreme position of abortion of preborn babies up to and including the day of birth. Most Americans are not that extreme in their views on abortion. The other major political party and its candidate agree that there should be limits on abortion or that the decision should be left to each state. By the way, before Roe v. Wade was reversed, America is one of a very few countries that allowed abortion up to 24 weeks. What does that say about us? Most other countries, that allowed abortion, only allowed abortion up to 15 weeks.

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May 26·edited May 26

RFK Jr is the best candidate imho. Is he the best choice in our 3 way race here in the US electoral system? I do not know! Having said that, anarchy (not the chaotic kind, simply “without being ruled over”) is quite appealing at this point, lol 😂. But I do understand we are not “there” yet as a society.

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