"Extremely informative; must watch it again. What Dr. Thorp and Nurse Gershman are saying is carbon copied in other high 'bio-weapon' vaxed nations. In Australia, one doctor saw the rate of miscarriages for unvaccinated woman remain at the expected 15%, but for vaccinated woman, the rate skyrocketed to 75%. Here's the link: https://rumble.com/v1sooxa-birth-rates-down-in-australia-the-jab-is-causing-miscarriages..html. I agree with Dr. Thorp, I would not trust any doctor capable of suggesting or administering this so called vaccine. And if they can go that low, what else are they capable of? Mengele reloaded!"

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Remember, bacteria and viruses are not the problem, they are the direct response to body toxicity from vaccine adjuvants, medications, pesticides, chemical and foreign material. Remove the toxins, eat organic living food and heal. Much love to all. lifechangehealthcoach.com

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Pure satanic evil. Lord help us. When will the arrests begin???

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Por favor mi nuera esta embarazada y para aplicar a la residencia lendijeron que era obligatorio vacunarse contra el covid y a mi nieto de dos años tambien le niegan la residencia si no se pone la faiser ppr favor necesito ayuda orientacion

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No one should get any 💉, all g0verment expirements

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