Great presentation and thank you to Curtis Cost for all of your research and speaking out over the years. I would like to raise one possible link between childhood vaccines and gender dysphoria through the mechanism of autism. I suspect that Dr. Cretella is correct to say that transgenderism is primarily a psycho-socially driven phenomena, but I have heard and I believe it was mentioned that there has been reported to be a higher rate of experiencing gender dysphoria among autistic individuals. And while not studied as much as it should be, there seems to be concerning evidence that one or more childhood vaccines increase the rate of autism in children. If the vaccine industry is aware of this increased rate of autism and the increased rate of gender dysphoria being induced in autistic individuals, could the pharmaceutical industry be profiting off the neurological harm their vaccine products create as they help encourage more patients for life as committed transgenders? I understand my proposal of a connection is speculative and that it is intentionally allowed even more so, but I fear we can not rule out such mendacity given the propensity to prevent proper studies on vaccine safety and the efforts to silence, censor and cancel voices raising concerns about vaccine safety issues or about the current medicalized approach to treating gender dysphoria. Thank you as well for your guests who understand that this is a spiritual battle and that Drag Queen Story Hour is one of the weapons being targeted at our very concept of human sexuality and thus against our very humanity. May God protect you, Curtis, and each of these brave voices speaking out for love and truth. Please pray for those inside my Catholic Church who are working to protect children and the Godly concept of human sexuality as commanded by God that has been known for centuries. There are those struggling for The Church to hold fast in the face of these very deceptive and evil social pressures. Please pray for us! With God, all things are possible, so there is no need to lose hope. If God wills it, we will prevail in overturning this evil and manipulative weapon of social control that government imposed gender ideology certainly is.

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Thanks so much for your comment. My research into this topic is consisent with Dr. Cretella. The overwhelming medical evidence points to gender confusion being due to childhood trauma(s) and/or mental illness. There is definitely room for other factors and they should be looked into. Drag queen dtory hours and many other efforts underway targeting children clearly contribute to the confusion.

Thanks again for your comment.

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Excellent work in organizing this event, Curtis. Many thanks.

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That is deeply appreciated. If you would like to do a show on this topic, I am sure that the speakers on this forum would be happy to do so.



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That's good to know, Curtis. I will happily discuss with Stephen. This transgender game is so evil that it's clearly part of the agenda to destroy our societies. The financial support given to this agenda is obvious. The funders must be held to account.

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Thank you Curtis for presenting this critical topic with an eye opening and diverse panel. I have bought Dr. Erin Brewers books to help me broaden my understanding of this issue (her lived experience was very insightful) and Dr. Michelle Cretella's studies and work experience answered several questions I had in mind. I found the reverent points a little heavy but necessary as the hallowed view is shared by many (as many believe in God and pray for their children) and will ensue diverse opinions from a religious point of view. As opposition to drag queen story hours grows, I believe the topic will need to be revisited. I am honored to have been part of this panel.

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I am glad that you enjoyed the presentation! I also think that the information presented was dynamic and everyone needs to watch it, especially parents. Thanks for participating and sharing your thoughts.


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