
Forum: Drag Queen Story Hours -The Threat to Our Children (Full Video)

Hosted By Curtis Cost

For the first time, a panel of medical doctors, psychiatrists and religious leaders come together to address the controversy surrounding these drag queen story hours in which grown men dress up as scary women and read stories to children as young as 3 years old.

The messaging at these story hours is often to encourage young children to think that gender is not about biology but rather it's about how a person feels. They encourage children to think that boys can become girls and girls can become boys. These events often include men dressing in sexually provocative outfits and performing dances that are clearly inappropriate for children. Such events can also include men touching and hugging these young children.


These drag queen story hours are taking place across America as well as in other countries. They often are done in public libraries, schools and in some cases private bookstores. These events are often funded by taxpayer dollars.

Attorney General, Letitia James, hosted a drag queen story hour in New York City back in March of this year. Protestors were also there to express their frustration about such events being performed in front of small children. Parents and concerned citizens are beginning to protest across the country more and more against children being exposed to these types gatherings.

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The doctors who gave their presentations at this forum shared shocking information on the different ways that drag queen story hours and similar efforts are damaging children in the short-term and in the long-term.  They discuss the severe psychological and physical harm that this is causing young people. Most people have no idea just how much compelling scientific evidence exists on the severe health problems that all of this is causing children which can continue for the rest of their lives.

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They also reveal what the scientific evidence shows as the real causes of children becoming confused about their gender.  It has nothing to do with children being placed in the wrong body.  The truth is far simpler and straightforward and is supported by massive scientific and statistical evidence.

The religious leaders of different faiths who spoke, shared the teachings of their religious texts which oppose exposing children to such ideas and behaviors. They also expressed hoped for those who wish to change their ways.

Overall, the messaging was very positive.  The speakers made it clear that there is hope for children who become confused about their gender. It was noted that with proper counseling, children can overcome their confusion and learn to love the natural gender they were born with.

Erin Brewer PhD, shared her story about her gender confusion as a young girl and how fortunate she was to have had a teacher who helped her to get the positive counseling she needed which helped her to feel good again about being a girl.  Dr. Brewer is now married with kids of her own and she feels blessed to be able to be a mother.  She even published two books on this subject.  One book offers help for parents in dealing with children who are suffering from gender confusion.  The other is a picture book for children, which tells her story and how she came to love being a girl again.

After the speakers gave their presentations, a panel then began to ask them critical questions about what they had shared. A wealth of information is presented in this forum. Everyone needs to see this rare and powerful forum and share it with their networks. 

Children K-12 are taught that their bodies have nothing to do with their "gender identity" and that boys might really be girls and girls might actually be boys. Parents who hold biologically accurate views on sex and gender, and therefore refuse to capitulate to the medicalization of their children's healthy bodies, are undermined and vilified as "hateful, toxic, abusive, and transphobic." Teenage girls' healthy breasts and young men's healthy penises and testicles are removed in experimental procedures that irrevocably damage their sexuality and fertility. Gender therapists and doctors lie to parents and children, claiming that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are fully reversible and do no harm to young bodies and brains.

Transing Children is the fruit of a deep, wide, and horror-inducing investigation into the twisted world of childhood transgenderism. Brewer and Keffler have applied their analytic and critical-thinking skills to unmask this beast of an ideology, producing this thorough and ground-breaking book.

Dr. Erin Brewer’s books are available on Amazon.


  1. Every Parent should pay close attention to the words in this song!  

San Francisco gay men's choir:  "We'll Convert Your Children" The video below will play. Just click inside the screen where it says: Watch on YouTube.

  1. Gay Manifesto 

By Michael Swift

First Published in Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987 and also put into the Congressional Record.

(This article outlines a very disturbing agenda which is essential reading for those who want to understand events unfolding across America to this day.)


  1. The Campaign to Overthrow Straight America

(This article is also essential reading)


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