First they came for the senior citizens. Many didn’t speak up because they were not seniors.

Then they came for the soldiers...

Then they came for the students...

Then they came for the children.

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The pattern is very clear! It is time for us to wake up to what is going on.

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So many patterns are clear to those who are willing to see.

Step1-Identify cluster of deaths.

Step2-Blame a phantom based on mass, flawed, unverifiable testing of a population for RNA fragments presumed synonymous with infection by the phantom.

Silence dissent.

Step3-Expand disease definition to include illness previously recognized caused by other or unknown causes thus increasing “case count”.

Silence dissent

Step4-Prescribe toxic treatment like AZT/intubation to increase death count.

Silence dissent

Step5-Insist lifetime less toxic, slower killing “cocktail therapy”/“vaccine boosters” are only protection/defense against often undetectable phantom.

Silence dissent

Demonize the unbeliever and the non compliant.

 SARS-cov2/covid19 is hiv/AIDS2.0.

  Both are a LIE.

If hepatitis-c is “cured” when no virus is detected why does an AIDS patient with undetectable viral load and t-cell count 600+ require lifetime treatment with a balanced “cocktail” of slow killing, toxic chemotherapeutic drugs that have known side effects that mirror the definition of AIDS?

If an AIDS patient with undetectable viral load went for an AIDS test and didn’t tell that they were previously hiv positive they would be told they were not infected and do not need treatment but would be encouraged to begin the recently released hiv vaccine that requires injection every two months. For the rest of your sexually active life.

As with any profit based business, ensuring return customers is vital for success.

  If as is claimed, hiv remains latent, inactive, not reproducing and undetectable in hidden reservoirs how can anyone ever be certain they are not infected and the virus isn’t just inactive and undetectable in hidden reservoirs?

 Why isn’t everyone on anti-hiv treatment? Just in case.

For the common good.

How are people not seeing through this bs?

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Funny how they forget about.

“My body my choice.”

When it doesn’t fit the narrative.

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Curtis, thanks for having me on to discuss my decision to leave the military and CHD's military chapter!

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It's my pleasure! Thanks for sharing your insights with others.

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Everyone has the right to treat their body how they choose and there are exceptions. It is our birthright.

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Also see Obama, (Biden’s shadow grey cardinal) Sun Rising Jonathan Kleck and Obama H* itler grandson Rotschilds Di Bird Show.

Btw we remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger - w is letter 6 in hebrew, so 666. Who comes back stronger? From a light aluminium plane mysteriously bypassing all air security systems pulverising a reinforced steel Rotschilds/RFeller owned skyscraper?

No, it is the serpent race coming to rule again after the Great Flood. Genesis 3.15, 6.4, John 8.44

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COVID - Certificate of vaccination ID - was a purposely modified seasonal flu released by WEF Rotschilds/RFellers, shadow owners through Blackrock and Vanguard of Pfizer, Astrazeneca et al (replace P bow with L bottom - Luzifer), in order to enforce ge ne modifying nanotec jabs on the rival Adamic race. Also a smart framework for the planned 6 6 6 digital wallet vaccine passport/digital wallet implant. Also see Event 2 0 1 and Operation Lock Step by K.Scwab Rotchilds puppet.

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Also look up Obama Sun Rising Jonathan Kleck ( senile B shadow master), as well as Obama H* tler grandson Rotschilds, Di Bird Show. Also, see MD Carrie Madej Human 2.0, and Schwab's, Rotschilds puppet, chief advisor Yuval Harari saying that there are too many of us, 'useless eaters', God (which is Christ, hebrew YHVH means see the hand, see the nail), doesn't exist and they will be gods themselves through connecting everyone to AI which they run.

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See also numerous Pfizer (by the way, replace P letter bow with L bottom in its logo - anagram - Luzifer) ex employee whistleblower reports on smart magnetic self assembling graphene there. Graphene self assembles into nano wires under strong magnetic fields like the 5G implant digital wallet 666 implant microchip they were pushing - and makes your whole body - wifi and bluetooth connectable.

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*5G digital wallet / vaccine passport implant microchip

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Covid - certificate of vaccination ID - was a seasonal flu released by the owners of the World Economic Forum -nephilim (look up the word), serpent bloodline Rotschilds, on the rival Adamic race. Genesis 3.15, John 8.44. In order to enforce gene modifying nanotec 'vaccines'

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