Hollywood has often portrayed American soldiers almost as robots who readily follow orders no matter what the consequences! Unfortunately, in the real world, this too often includes experiments conducted on soldiers.
There is a great deal of literature on these experiments that go back to the early 19-hundreds when soldiers were deliberately exposed to patients with Spanish Flu despite the risks. They also include giving military personnel experimental vaccines.
When it came to the COVID-19 vaccine, Brad Miller said - NO! Miller graduated from West Point and served 19 years in the military reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He had a very distinguished career until he said no to the shot.
In this interview, Brad Miller discusses what led him to his decision and the devastating aftermath. He also shares his role with the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) new military chapter.
Curtis Cost
First they came for the senior citizens. Many didn’t speak up because they were not seniors.
Then they came for the soldiers...
Then they came for the students...
Then they came for the children.
Funny how they forget about.
“My body my choice.”
When it doesn’t fit the narrative.