I agree with you. Yes, I know that saying the PCR test is 90% false positive, implies that the other 10% is accurate. Of course, the test is 100% false positive!
Yes, I know that no COVID virus has ever been purified and proven to even exist. Therefore, there is nothing for the PCR test to be based on.
The reason why I presented it this way was because there is a massive debate regarding the virus theory. Many people are in love with the virus theory and get very upset at anyone who wants to take it away from them. For this presentation I chose not to go into that debate. It is a long and complicated thing to deal with. I only had six minutes for this video.
I don't think anyone could watch my video and go through references and walk away thinking that the PCR test is credible. I even shared a link to Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, c clearly stated that his invention could not determine if someone has a viral infection. If most people can grasp just this much, that would be a very positive step in the right direction at breaking down the entire credibility of the PCR Test.
And Your Friend Bobby Kennedy is telling people to eat and ACUTELY TOXIC POISON, LITERAL INSECTICIDE (Ivermectin) as a "cure" for a 100% Fake Disease!
Bobby Kennedy is promoting the VIRUS FRAUD
(and you also are kind of playing along, not making any waves, don't want to offend),
WHILE HE (Bobby) disingenuously pretends to be the opposition.
This is important, Curtis. Do we really have any time to waste, WATERING DOWN and CORRUPTING the truth, taking the time to make a video to MISLEAD children, that COVID PCR *might be* 10% accurate at detecting "the COVID virus", something never shown to exist?
I'm sorry, I don't get it.
I want to say to you,
C'mon man. Grow a backbone.
Take a moral stand.
If Bobby doesn't like it, then TOUGH LUCK.
That's his loss.
**I** will stand with you,
if YOU will stand for truth.
Please & Love,
PS: You say the funding for this came from MAMM: Millions Against Medical Mandates.
2:15 "Some studies show that false positives with the covid PCR test can be as much as 90%"
I agree with Curtis because it is based on studies, not someone's preferred opinion. The video didn't say exactly what you want it to say Bill? Then I'm looking forward to seeing your superior version, who's stopping you? A claim of 100% false might lose a lot of the intended audience but let's find out eh?
By the way, the CDC/FDA PCR instructions 24 times specify a Cycle threshold (Ct) of 40x while Fauci is on video saying anything over 35x is "just dead nucleotides, period". https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
Personally I'm still looking for the science showing the 32 base pair sequence amplified in PCR is not also present in cold, flu & pneumonia viruses (assuming "viruses" are not actually just debris from dying cells). Some friends have seen that science evidently because they have 100% faith in the narrative but I missed the memo.
> I agree with Curtis because it is based on studies, not someone's preferred opinion.
What studies are you referring to, which suggest that the COVID PCR is meaningful?
Did you know that the Corman/Drosten PCR was created without any actual clinical specimen?
QUOTE: "In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens." ENDQUOTE
Did you know that the CDC PCR test for COVID has the same problem?
QUOTE: "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen."
Yes, they used a MOCK CLINICAL SPECIMEN (along with some Manufactured Metagenomic Magic = Malarkey) in both cases.
We do not have a validated COVID PCR, because that requires a clinical specimen of SARS-CoV-2 which is necessary to calibrate the test.
ALL COVID PCR tests are 100% meaningless.
This is not "someone's preferred opinion".
If you are asserting the there is ANY meaningful COVID serum test (PCR, Lateral Flow, Rapid Test, Antibody Test, Antigen test, etc) which has been validated (or alternatively, calibrated) to real world Certified Reference Materials, then please send it my way: WilliamAHuston@gmail.com or WilliamAHuston@protonmail.com
> A claim of 100% false might lose a lot of the intended audience
So we should spread falsehoods, because if we told the truth, we'd "lose some people"?
I would never claim that COVID PCR produces 100% false positives. Because that implies that a "True COVID positive" might be a meaningful result of the test. What I say is the COVID PCR is 100% Bogus. End of story.
I don't claim about Ct counts. The COVID PCR is unvalidated, uncalibrated, and 100% bogus.
> Personally I'm still looking for the science showing the 32 base pair sequence amplified in PCR
As Dr Kevin Corbett says here, those 32 base pairs are "not based in anything in the real world. There is no underpinning material basis" for those amplicons. SARS-CoV-2 is a computer model. https://odysee.com/@OracleFilms:1/Dr.-Kevin-Corbett-Part-1_HD:f
> & pneumonia viruses (assuming "viruses" are not actually just debris from dying cells).
A virus is defined as a "Replication-competent intra-cellular obligate parasites that cause cellular necrosis and symptomatic disease, which transmit between hosts via natural modes of exposure."
Those things either exist or they don't. You don't get to change the definition.
The "debris from dying cells" is what is scooped up during the alleged (bogus) "Sanger Sequencing" process for the alleged "virus genome". The individual "reads" become "contigs" once we apply some Metegonomic Assembly Tools, like Blast, Trinity, Megahit.
But AFAIK, no one is suggesting that "dying cell debris" is pathogenic. Viruses are *defined* to be pathogenic. So therefore "dying cell debris" are not viruses.
Pro Tip: When you suit up to fight the enemy but they're not really in sight yet, don't let your ferocious testosterone cause you to turn and spear the guys next to you on your side.
I'm fascinated by people who, like Curtis, make the argument that telling lies is necessary, because the people aren't ready, we're going to lose our audience, etc etc. I don't get that.
But I arrived at that conclusion because I figured it out by gathering some information, not because someone on the internet tried to make me fear being criticized if I don't state precisely his way of saying it.
BH: > "What studies are you referring to, which suggest that the COVID PCR is meaningful?"
Whatever the study referred to in the video is, where presumably they concluded some 10% of PCR can be valid, probably would be good to find out who ran that, and how, I'm just too lazy to at the moment.
Could your message be more effective not skewering those most likely to agree with your points? Many have informative content, and I appreciate those.
It's a great video because you show these con artists' propaganda techniques and their belief system. And then you have students challenge the propaganda in a very clever, subtle way. This is the best way to at least plant some doubt in the believers' minds. And I also agree it was a very good idea not to bring up the debate about the existence of the virus because like you say people just aren't ready for that!
Indeed these tests provide an aura of legitimacy that enables the medical cartel to pull the big con. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song THE TESTING TRAP at https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/the-testing-trap
You can't create a machine to detect elephants, without an ACTUAL REFERENCE ELEPHANT with which to calibrate your instrument!
Or a better analogy would be a UNICORN Detector. (Because Unicorns are fictitious, just like the alleged "sars-cov-2"). Without an actual REFERENCE UNICORN, the Unicorn Detector is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS!
Thank you for the courage to put yourself out there in the public eyes but you are trying to ride both sides of the fence SMH...The Rt-Pcr is the basis for the entire Plandemic it is a scientific tool not a tester. Even if it was a test there is no gold standard(an actual virus) to compare it to and the cdc said itself that the test cannot tell the difference between the flu virus and the new SARS-CoV-2 virus(https://www.cdc.gov/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html) how could that be possible using dna samples if they actually had a real new pathogenic virus? Even if pathogenic viruses did exist there is no proof of contagion and the vaxx shots do not stop transmission and or severe illness/death they even admit that so what is the real point of a so called testing? Maybe to deposit toxic poisons/chemicals like nanoparticles that there is evidence of ? https://www.bitchute.com/video/Nr038F6p2e0u/ ...that should have been mentioned in your video. The bottom line is an issue/challenge can never truly be resolved no matter what it is without addressing the root cause! The public acceptance/indoctrination of the germ theory and more specifically of the existence Pathogenic viruses of the root cause of the world tragic situation we are currently in. Please stop playing a role in the hopeless treatments that the pro-vaxx crown/neutral is straddling the fence with and fully join the no pathogenic virus side which is truly the only side that will truly free or minds by addressing the real root cause of this! The sooner enough of the world wakes up and stands up against this totalitarian fraud and all it measures/mandates the faster we can put this passed us. I know you probably mean well but you have to pick a side my brother the straddling the fence days are over. Peace
I agree with you. Yes, I know that saying the PCR test is 90% false positive, implies that the other 10% is accurate. Of course, the test is 100% false positive!
Yes, I know that no COVID virus has ever been purified and proven to even exist. Therefore, there is nothing for the PCR test to be based on.
The reason why I presented it this way was because there is a massive debate regarding the virus theory. Many people are in love with the virus theory and get very upset at anyone who wants to take it away from them. For this presentation I chose not to go into that debate. It is a long and complicated thing to deal with. I only had six minutes for this video.
I don't think anyone could watch my video and go through references and walk away thinking that the PCR test is credible. I even shared a link to Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, c clearly stated that his invention could not determine if someone has a viral infection. If most people can grasp just this much, that would be a very positive step in the right direction at breaking down the entire credibility of the PCR Test.
Thanks so much for your comments!
Hi Curtis, thanks for the reply.
But frankly, I am unimpressed with your arguments. You say, "For this presentation I chose not to go into that debate", however, this is inaccurate.
You HAVE entered the debate, on the side of the VIRUS PUSHERS.
What you CHOSE to do was to support the establishment, mainstream, allopathic, Rockefeller Medicine Paradigm.
What you CHOSE to do was to mislead people, because you here ADMIT that you know the truth!
Wow!!! Really?
You deliberately mislead people about a super important point despite that you know the truth? For what reason?
"Oh, we don't want to upset the virus lovers".
Oh yeah, OK man. That sounds all good.
Let's avoid //stopping the Genocide// at it's ORIGINS
because we don't want to seem impolite.
And I get it: You're friends with Bobby and hooked in to CHD.
You know what, I am friends with Bobby (not close, met a few times), and I TOO used to work for CHD (I was "in the network").
But Curtis, I QUIT when I realized the path they were on,
and I was hired as a paralegal, NOT to give legal advice.
I wasn't being heard, and I saw the RIDICULOUS ways these CHD lawsuits were being waged.
...So I quit.
PEOPLE ARE DYING, Curtis because of this FAKE PANDEMIC,
because of all of these harmful Countermeasures.
And Bobby Kennedy is pushing, what Debbie Lusignan called,
The purported existence of the Big Scary Death Plague Virus.
(which has never been shown to exist).
And Your Friend Bobby Kennedy is telling people to eat and ACUTELY TOXIC POISON, LITERAL INSECTICIDE (Ivermectin) as a "cure" for a 100% Fake Disease!
Bobby Kennedy is promoting the VIRUS FRAUD
(and you also are kind of playing along, not making any waves, don't want to offend),
WHILE HE (Bobby) disingenuously pretends to be the opposition.
This is important, Curtis. Do we really have any time to waste, WATERING DOWN and CORRUPTING the truth, taking the time to make a video to MISLEAD children, that COVID PCR *might be* 10% accurate at detecting "the COVID virus", something never shown to exist?
I'm sorry, I don't get it.
I want to say to you,
C'mon man. Grow a backbone.
Take a moral stand.
If Bobby doesn't like it, then TOUGH LUCK.
That's his loss.
**I** will stand with you,
if YOU will stand for truth.
Please & Love,
PS: You say the funding for this came from MAMM: Millions Against Medical Mandates.
This looks like a CHD program to me. Am I right?
2:15 "Some studies show that false positives with the covid PCR test can be as much as 90%"
I agree with Curtis because it is based on studies, not someone's preferred opinion. The video didn't say exactly what you want it to say Bill? Then I'm looking forward to seeing your superior version, who's stopping you? A claim of 100% false might lose a lot of the intended audience but let's find out eh?
By the way, the CDC/FDA PCR instructions 24 times specify a Cycle threshold (Ct) of 40x while Fauci is on video saying anything over 35x is "just dead nucleotides, period". https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
Personally I'm still looking for the science showing the 32 base pair sequence amplified in PCR is not also present in cold, flu & pneumonia viruses (assuming "viruses" are not actually just debris from dying cells). Some friends have seen that science evidently because they have 100% faith in the narrative but I missed the memo.
Hi Gary,
> I agree with Curtis because it is based on studies, not someone's preferred opinion.
What studies are you referring to, which suggest that the COVID PCR is meaningful?
Did you know that the Corman/Drosten PCR was created without any actual clinical specimen?
QUOTE: "In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens." ENDQUOTE
Source: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
Did you know that the CDC PCR test for COVID has the same problem?
QUOTE: "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen."
Yes, they used a MOCK CLINICAL SPECIMEN (along with some Manufactured Metagenomic Magic = Malarkey) in both cases.
We do not have a validated COVID PCR, because that requires a clinical specimen of SARS-CoV-2 which is necessary to calibrate the test.
ALL COVID PCR tests are 100% meaningless.
This is not "someone's preferred opinion".
If you are asserting the there is ANY meaningful COVID serum test (PCR, Lateral Flow, Rapid Test, Antibody Test, Antigen test, etc) which has been validated (or alternatively, calibrated) to real world Certified Reference Materials, then please send it my way: WilliamAHuston@gmail.com or WilliamAHuston@protonmail.com
> A claim of 100% false might lose a lot of the intended audience
So we should spread falsehoods, because if we told the truth, we'd "lose some people"?
I would never claim that COVID PCR produces 100% false positives. Because that implies that a "True COVID positive" might be a meaningful result of the test. What I say is the COVID PCR is 100% Bogus. End of story.
I don't claim about Ct counts. The COVID PCR is unvalidated, uncalibrated, and 100% bogus.
> Personally I'm still looking for the science showing the 32 base pair sequence amplified in PCR
As Dr Kevin Corbett says here, those 32 base pairs are "not based in anything in the real world. There is no underpinning material basis" for those amplicons. SARS-CoV-2 is a computer model. https://odysee.com/@OracleFilms:1/Dr.-Kevin-Corbett-Part-1_HD:f
> & pneumonia viruses (assuming "viruses" are not actually just debris from dying cells).
A virus is defined as a "Replication-competent intra-cellular obligate parasites that cause cellular necrosis and symptomatic disease, which transmit between hosts via natural modes of exposure."
Those things either exist or they don't. You don't get to change the definition.
The "debris from dying cells" is what is scooped up during the alleged (bogus) "Sanger Sequencing" process for the alleged "virus genome". The individual "reads" become "contigs" once we apply some Metegonomic Assembly Tools, like Blast, Trinity, Megahit.
But AFAIK, no one is suggesting that "dying cell debris" is pathogenic. Viruses are *defined* to be pathogenic. So therefore "dying cell debris" are not viruses.
Pro Tip: When you suit up to fight the enemy but they're not really in sight yet, don't let your ferocious testosterone cause you to turn and spear the guys next to you on your side.
How would describe "our side"?
My side is the side of truth.
I'm fascinated by people who, like Curtis, make the argument that telling lies is necessary, because the people aren't ready, we're going to lose our audience, etc etc. I don't get that.
Let me see if I can try to be clear here:
PCR is fucking fraud.
But I arrived at that conclusion because I figured it out by gathering some information, not because someone on the internet tried to make me fear being criticized if I don't state precisely his way of saying it.
BH: > "What studies are you referring to, which suggest that the COVID PCR is meaningful?"
Whatever the study referred to in the video is, where presumably they concluded some 10% of PCR can be valid, probably would be good to find out who ran that, and how, I'm just too lazy to at the moment.
Could your message be more effective not skewering those most likely to agree with your points? Many have informative content, and I appreciate those.
It's a great video because you show these con artists' propaganda techniques and their belief system. And then you have students challenge the propaganda in a very clever, subtle way. This is the best way to at least plant some doubt in the believers' minds. And I also agree it was a very good idea not to bring up the debate about the existence of the virus because like you say people just aren't ready for that!
Indeed these tests provide an aura of legitimacy that enables the medical cartel to pull the big con. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song THE TESTING TRAP at https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/the-testing-trap
There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind
BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook
Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more
Thanks! You are very insightful as always!.
Thanks! You are very insightful as always!.
Beautiful song Turfseer
This video misses the mark, BIGLY.
1:30 "tests that are not *completely* reliable"?
2:30 "COVID PCR *can* produce up to 90% positives???
C'mon man. You can do better than this!
The COVID PCR is 100% BOGUS.
The Corman/Drosten PCR was created **without access to actual certified viral isolates**!
Ref: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
The CDC's PCR was ALSO created without actual viral isolates!
You can't create a machine to detect elephants, without an ACTUAL REFERENCE ELEPHANT with which to calibrate your instrument!
Or a better analogy would be a UNICORN Detector. (Because Unicorns are fictitious, just like the alleged "sars-cov-2"). Without an actual REFERENCE UNICORN, the Unicorn Detector is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS!
Thank you.
Thank you for the courage to put yourself out there in the public eyes but you are trying to ride both sides of the fence SMH...The Rt-Pcr is the basis for the entire Plandemic it is a scientific tool not a tester. Even if it was a test there is no gold standard(an actual virus) to compare it to and the cdc said itself that the test cannot tell the difference between the flu virus and the new SARS-CoV-2 virus(https://www.cdc.gov/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html) how could that be possible using dna samples if they actually had a real new pathogenic virus? Even if pathogenic viruses did exist there is no proof of contagion and the vaxx shots do not stop transmission and or severe illness/death they even admit that so what is the real point of a so called testing? Maybe to deposit toxic poisons/chemicals like nanoparticles that there is evidence of ? https://www.bitchute.com/video/Nr038F6p2e0u/ ...that should have been mentioned in your video. The bottom line is an issue/challenge can never truly be resolved no matter what it is without addressing the root cause! The public acceptance/indoctrination of the germ theory and more specifically of the existence Pathogenic viruses of the root cause of the world tragic situation we are currently in. Please stop playing a role in the hopeless treatments that the pro-vaxx crown/neutral is straddling the fence with and fully join the no pathogenic virus side which is truly the only side that will truly free or minds by addressing the real root cause of this! The sooner enough of the world wakes up and stands up against this totalitarian fraud and all it measures/mandates the faster we can put this passed us. I know you probably mean well but you have to pick a side my brother the straddling the fence days are over. Peace