Pull all the kids and start homeschooling NOW. Even the private & religious schools not all safe

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This whole gender ideology thing is just SICK....

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Thank you for bringing attention to this

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Thank you Curtis!!!! This is so well done. This is not even on most parents radar. Every parent needs to see it

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Thanks! Please share this with your net work. Parents definitely need to be warned!

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"Thank you Curtis for presenting this exposé on one of the most critical issues of our time. It is in depth, and covers the full range of pain, harm, and damage to our children, parents, and our nation. It shows the courage of children, parents, activist, and some politicians, standing up and speaking out against this damaging ideology being superimposed on our children. A great work that shows the instability of several sectors of our society and their disrespect of parental rights. Spread the word my people!"

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Celso, thanks!

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This is demonic and pure evil.

All of it from A to Z. Transgenderism and all it entails. If we don’t stand up and say no to this, our society and country will turn into Sodum and Gamora, and we know what happened to them.

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Thanks Curtis.

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