
Like many others from around the country I traveled to Boston to hear the big announcement from Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The experience was phenomenal! I stayed at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, as did many others, where RFK Junior announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States on April 19, 2023. (In the video above, Mr. Kennedy actually starts to speak at around 34:33 minutes.)

A group of us met the night before his announcement at a local restaurant. It was great to see so many familiar faces that I had not seen in a long time. Everyone was excited about being there and looking forward to RFK Jr.'s speech the next day.

The Boston Park Plaza Hotel is very elegant, even though the rooms tend to be very small. I was up early the next day and made my way to the event on a scooter that I rented. It made sense to use a scooter to get around because of an injury I had.

I was stunned by how many Secret Service agents there were. They were everywhere. I think it was the first time that I actually saw Secret Service agents. Prior to that day, I only saw them in movies. I was amazed to see that they really do use those little white cords that extend from their ears into their suits. I have met Mr. Kennedy in person several times and he never had such security around him, even when we had lunch for the first time. I'm glad that he is taking this precaution.


Everything was first rate. They were beautiful chandeliers everywhere. There were also plenty of signs which read: “I’m A Kennedy Democrat” and “Kennedy24.com.” They had a live band performing while photos of Mr. Kennedy and his family and his adventures around the world were being shown on two big screens. I had no idea how much of a world traveler and outdoorsman Mr. Kennedy really was.

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A New York Post reporter sought me out for an interview. I did the interview, but out of all the things I said, they only quoted one sentence from me and published a photo of me on my scooter.

As I waited with everyone else for things to get started, I felt a sort of energy or even magic about being there. It was a very special moment and I felt like I was part of history in the making. I never imagined that I would actually be present for a Kennedy to announce his bid for the Presidency! I know that my mother and father would've been proud. The Kennedy family has been a longstanding inspiration to the African American community and the nation as a whole.

I have watched his uncle, John F. Kennedy’s speech many times in which he defended his decision to send national guards to protect the right of African American students to attend schools which had been segregated.  You can watch that speech here:

John F. Kennedy's 1963 Televised Address to the Nation on Civil Rights

His father Robert F. Kennedy gave the powerful speech which called for peace following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His words touched many and helped to bring calm to the city of Indianapolis.  Here is that speech:

Indianapolis, 1968: Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King and A Historic Call For Peace

Senator Ted Kennedy is the one who brought an end to the notorious Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has devoted his life to taking on corporate giants in defense of the little guy. RFK Jr. even produced the documentary: Medical Racism – The New Apartheid. It exposed horrific experiments being conducted in Africa and on African people in other parts of the world through vaccines. African Americans have a deep respect for the Kennedy family, and I only wished that my parents were with me for this announcement.

Several speakers came to the stage and expressed their gratitude for the work of RFK Jr. over the years. There was a standing ovation and loud applauds and cheers when Mr. Kennedy finally came to the podium.

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He covered all of the major points. He discussed excessive corporate power over government officials. He criticized the policies of Joe Biden especially Biden's giving over $100 billion dollars to Ukraine while at the same time cutting food stamps for needy Americans. He reaffirmed his commitment to helping those struggling across America. I have attached the full video of his presentation. Everyone I spoke to felt very inspired and even more committed to Mr. Kennedy.

There was a very uncomfortable moment during this event in which alarm bells started ringing at the hotel. I think a cold chill went down the spine of everyone. No one had any idea what was going on. I remember when I had Mr. Kennedy speak at the Harlem Vaccine Forum at Riverside Church back in 2019, where they literally cut off the microphone as Mr. Kennedy was speaking.

After a few tense moments, Mr. Kennedy announced that he had been informed that it did not apply to us. Shortly after he said that there was an announcement over the speaker system that there was an emergency, and everyone had to leave the hotel! There was a nervous hush over the room. Mr. Kennedy then went to the microphone and said "Nice try!" Everyone broke into laughter, cheers and applauds! It was the best quote of the entire event!

It was a great presentation and I am glad that I was able to be there.

Lastly, I should say that I am not commenting on behalf of any organization. These are my personal views.

Please watch this video and share it.

Curtis Cost

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