Well said, Curtis. It was shameful and petty the way many senators treated Mr. Kennedy. Why the rancor? So unnecessary. He met their attacks with the steadfast calm of a Buddhist monk! So zen like. I would never have been able to muster such restraint under similar circumstances. Vile behavior, but I think it backfired and woke a lot of people up to how bought by pharma many senators are.

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I completely agree! Thanks for your comment.

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Excellent article. Thank you so much.

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Well said. Thank you.

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Feb 3Edited

Many in the truther movement are very disappointed in RFK Jr's responses supporting the schedule and vaccines in general (you can't make poison safer.) I know his history in this topic, while also aware of allegations of Jesuit line. I also know the masses aren't ready for the truth (no virus, no DNA - just structured water in same shape as DNA; water that holds information and communicates via resonance.) The horrific truth must be dripped, ideally via the propaganda machine that so many still cling to all day every day via the tell-lie-vision.

This is where I am praying his intentions are pure. If not, we still hold the power, we just have to exercise it. Our biggest impediment is spreading knowledge that people will accept outside of the propaganda machine - such as your articles and others here, on Substack, and also locally.

Thank you, Curtis, for being part of the solution :)

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There are terrible drugs on the market. The problem is the pushing and mandates for school or work.

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Agreed. Enforcers are also a problem; the problem is us.

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The zillions of petty tyrants out there, only waiting for the smallest opportunity for the thrill of 'putting someone in their so-called place.' I was always at a loss as to what type of person would turn their neighbours into the gestapo. I thought it was an anomaly until the covid era, when many neighbours, several family members and fellow hikers let their egotism rip on those they deemed 'violators.' We have been warned, those traits receded into the shadows and will rear their ugly heads if a similar situation presents itself.

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Excellent summary of the confirmation hearings. I sent this information to people in my contacts.

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Thanks so much for reading my post and especially for sharing it with your networks!


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Is there an IQ test for those seeking leadership positions?

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