I think they screwed up though. They were supposed to get this stuff with IDs and the WHO pandemic treaty done before the big pandemic. Someone rushed the scam earlier and now we got the people questioning the decades old pseudoscience of vaccination.

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Yes, some are still trying to push Vax passports! Listen to Turfseer’s mega-hit PASSPORT TO HELL.


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I know what THEY are planning for us.

What I don’t know is the identity of “THEY”.

Can anyone help out on this mystery?

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Yes, I have noticed the government using “Temple Grandin type” methods to herd the public for years. Even at such places as Mount Rushmore where the walk ways irresistibly guide the visitor to a grandiose temple of souvenir stores where the monument itself is just a secondary backdrop. Quite a change from 50 years ago.

And yes, we were just commenting on how her methods are being employed in the current public health system.

These realizations are truly revelatory, yet shocking. So glad you are pointing them out.

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RemovedJan 16Liked by Curtis Cost
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