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He can lead a push to create Legislation to do so and sign it when and if it passes. Then there is the issue of voter identification limiting the ability of poorly educated persons to be effective voters.

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Also not true. There are very few if any "poorly educated" that do not have some sort of ID. They use it all time as it is required for the benefit programs they are part of. Even the homeless have ID.

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This position is an absolute insult to people you don't even know.

Ask the people you think are being "deprived of voting" if they have an ID.

You think they are poor because or in spite of being so stupid they don't know how to get an ID? You need an ID to buy beer, register for school, etc, but not to vote? What are voter registration cards for? I guess poor people are too stupid to register to vote also, so we need to scrap voter registration too. Let's bring voting down to the lowest common denominator. That'll be real effective!!

If no ID is needed to vote, I guess you believe in everyone voting regardless?

You probably also believe in unverified mail-in ballots. Last election I received more than half a dozen ballots in the mail. I threw them in the trash. I believe in voting in person WITH ID to show that you have the right to vote in this NON DEMOCRACY!!

Why can't I drive without a license then?

Come on now!!!

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