
The illegal migrant crisis has now become the number one election issue in the country. This is because more and more Americans recognize that these illegal migrants represent the greatest threat to this country.

The American people see how these illegal migrants are destroying our cities from coast to coast. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being diverted from the Americans who are in desperate need, to who enter this country illegally. They see that their cities and communities have become far more dangerous because of all of these unvented illegals. Many of them have been released from mental institutions and prisons in Venezuela and other countries and are deliberately sent to America. As a result, Americans are being robbed, beaten, raped and even killed by these unvetted illegals. 


Even though there are many in the media calling these individuals “asylum seekers”, the truth is  they are unvetted and therefore there is no way of knowing anything about who these people really are. Over 150 individuals have been arrested at the border because they were on the terrorist watchlist. There's no way of knowing how many other potential terrorists have snuck into the country undetected. Many have warned about how dangerous this situation is. Even presidential candidate, Donald Trump has warned that there is a 100% chance that there will be a major terrorist attack or attacks, on America as result of the Biden border crisis.

The border crisis is far more dangerous than most Americans realize because the Biden administration has been caught literally flying unvetted illegal immigrants into America! Over 350,000 such illegals have been flown to various cities across America. In fact, these illegals have such a prominent status that they don't even have to provide official IDs to fly on airplanes! In contrast, Americans all must provide legal IDs to board an airplane.

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Some states have even gone so far as to as to make it legal for illegal migrants to become police officers! This means that individuals who broke our laws by sneaking into this country will be given guns and have the authority to shoot an even kill American citizens.

Companies are making billions of dollars off of no bid contracts to service unvetted illegal migrants at outrageous prices.  They provide these migrants with food, shelter, debit cards with thousands of dollars on them, cell phones, medical services, legal services etc. There are even migrant shelters that have their own security force, that do not allow American citizens who are paying for these facilities through their tax dollars, to enter or to film the inside or outside of these facilities. The staff and security team typically refused to answer any questions and become very erratic and even violent towards those who try to find out what is going on. What exactly is taking place in these facilities that they don't want the American people to know about?

Many are calling what is going on an actual invasion that will transform America unless something is done soon. The argument has also been put forth that we are looking at an attempt by the leadership of the Democratic party to create a one party country. The millions of vetted illegal migrants can impact the census counts which can impact the configuration of Congress. There are also efforts to enable these illegal unvetted migrants to actually vote in our elections!

America is in serious peril and the next Presidential election will determine the fate of America.

Curtis Cost


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