Across America, controversy is growing around drag queen story hours which involves men dressing up as scary women and reading stories to small children as young as 3 years old. These events often include men wearing sexually provocative outfits and dancing in a way that is totally inappropiate for children. There is also touching and holding between these men and the children.
Michelle Cretell MD
For the first time a panel of medical doctors, psychiatrists and religious leaders have come together in this forum to discuss the potential harm that these drag queen story hours can cause children. This topic needs to be discussed widely because the implications are so severe.
Erin Brewer PhD
The full video can be watched here on my substack: It will be posted this afternoon, Thursday, April 6, 2023. Please share this wtih your networks.
James Thorp MD
Mark McDonald MD
Brucha Weisberger Author & Educator
Wesley Granger MD & Minister
Curtis Cost Host & Author
These and the other speakers are featured in the full video presentation.
Trailer: Drag Queen Story Hours - The Threat To Our Children